The Richness Within 1 – 2006-2008

The project’s aim is to connect three secondary schools in the US and three secondary schools The Netherlands. The participating schools have a mixed and multi cultural school population. During the two-year project students and teachers will work and learn together in Twin-projects, as well as in collaborative setting in Learning Circles. The aim is to become aware of the richness within multi cultural (school) communities. The themes of the Learning Circles will be set by the participating schools within the domain of ‘a muliticultural society’, identifying and building respect for differences and similarities. All learning activities are connected to the formal learning in schools and informal learning outside schools. To create ownership of learning the details within the framework of the project will be set in close collaboration with the particiapting schools, teachers and students. This two-year project will be facilitated by ICT&E, Dieren, The Netherlands, in close cooperation with iEARN Netherlands / iEARN US and the Dutch Educational portal Kennisnet.
The project is set up in a way that it enables international collaborative learning between schools in The US and The Netherlands.

The virtual collaboration will take place via thematic Learning Circles focusing on the multi cultural aspects in and outside the schools.

To enhance the ownership and commitment two teacher exchanges are embedded.


  • Develop understanding of multiculturalism in learning communities
  • Enhance Student LearningStudents gain rich insights from the geographic diversity and cross-cultural exchanges
  • Create cultural awarenessStudents become aware of the fact that the diversity of their school community offers a rich learning environment
  • Develops reading/writing skillsStudents use written communication skills to exchange ideas and learn together with their Twinschool peers
  • Enhance Teaching CurriculumLearning Circle projects provide an exciting and innovative forum for teaching traditional subjects
  • Stimulate Teacher CreativityTeachers develop new instructional techniques by sharing project ideas with colleagues in the project
  • Expand Teaching and Learning HorizonsLearning Circles take students beyond their classroom to draw on family and community resources for information, making them more aware of their social and physical surroundings
  • Integrate Computer and Telecommunications TechnologyTeachers and students learn and apply ICT knowledge and skills as they use the Internet to work collaboratively with their partners in distant locations
  • Enhance overall learning skillsdeveloping a research strategydeveloping interviewing skillsprocessing and summarizing and the results in presentationscritical thinking

Learning in a Learning Circle
Collaborative, formal and informal learning is meant to be reciprocal. There should be personal advantages for every participant. Participating classes have a high level of ownership in the Learning Circle process: they formulate individual questions (one per circle member) and research answers for all LC questions. They will process information and present newly created knowledge in Learning Circle summaries and presentations.

The United States Embassy in The Hague

iEARN International

iEARN Netherlands



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