Canada – Junior Master Class 6 – Verslag 26 april

Day report by: Laura & Elselotte
When we arrived at Schiphol, almost everybody’s family was there to greet us! We were all a little bit sad because saying goodbye was so much harder then we thought it was going to be… But it was great to meet our friends and family again (right?;))First we had to pick our bags and that was taking a long time! Everybody was so tired of the journey, and most of us were sleeping in the airplane.  It was good that no one had problems with his or her suitcase, and nothing was stolen.Actually everything was going right. It was so sad that Mr. Ykema and Arianne can’t go with us, and we all missing them on our trip.

With them it would be greater!

But things go the way there must to be going. Almost everyone didn’t want to go back to our lovely country (sorry lovely parents/family!) And we though it was a sad day. But also we had a lot of fun, like it should be! We have so much great memories of our trip to Canada, and we think we all never forget those! We have don so much great things like swimming, going to a ice hockey game, doing our presentations about our task (what was going so good!), having party’s and working together on the project “Bridging over the Ocean”. We hope so that we all meeting each other again.

It was a lot of fun, and thanks for al the people who were working on this great project!


Finally at home…… dreaming about Canada…..:-)



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